Favorite diet: eat everything and lose weight

Favorite Diet is fast gaining popularity. This is not only due to the fact that it allows you to lose weight right in front of your eyes. It also helps in cleansing the body and improves health.

It only lasted 7 days, however, in such a short period of time, the results are staggering: in a week you can lose about 5-8 extra pounds.

It is worth noting that within a week, you will gradually saturate the body of one food or another, so there will be no vitamin or nutrient deficiencies. And this will have a positive effect on health.

The nature of the diet. Pros and cons of the method

Of course, there are some pretty effective diets that last just a week and give good results. The effect was comparable to that of the grapefruit diet, which also lasted 7 days.

So let's take a closer look at What is the Favorite Diet.


  • diet is easy to understand, even someone ignorant of the subject can easily imagine and not be confused in product choice;
  • is ​​not just for getting rid of obnoxious extra pounds. With its help, you can free your body from accumulated toxins and reduce stomach volume, which will facilitate the transition to a healthy diet if you need to reduceweigh or keep fit;
  • you do not have to calculate calories.

Cons and contraindications

Every Diet has contraindications and Favorites are no exception. It is considered quite strict.

After choosing this diet, be prepared for difficulties.

This is not only related to your willpower but also to your health. The body can respond in unpredictable ways to sudden and significant changes in the diet. Even for a healthy person, it is not unreasonable to consult a doctor or coach before going on the diet.

Don't forget, staying healthy is much more important than losing weight quickly! When choosing a diet, focus on your body's condition. Diet is definitely not for you if you have a disease:

  • gastritis
  • ;
  • colitis;
  • kidney and liver disease;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Also, women should not start dieting during pregnancy or menstruation, when the body is already weakened and vulnerable.


Provided you stick to the diet without breaking the rules and not breaking the results, the results can be overwhelming: minus 7-9 kg. But remember that your body size is also important.

Vegetable diet

If you are overweight, the kg will lose more quickly. To speed up the weight loss process, do not eat sweets, alcoholic drinks or salt.

Guidelines to be followed

  1. Before you start dieting, prepare your body: for a few days, exclude anything "bad" from your diet (fatty, fried, fast food, wine, baked goods). Eat more fruits and vegetables, get used to drinking more water.
  2. Before the first day of the diet, you should cleanse your body. Give an enema or a mild laxative. This will help prevent feeling unwell.
  3. The diet should not be followed at all times. However, if your body has adapted to it well, you can try the longer variations, designed for 12-14 days.
  4. To speed up your metabolism and reduce hunger, eat often but little by little.
  5. Drink more clean water than without gas. It will help to flush toxins, speed up metabolism. And warm water will reduce hunger.
  6. Eating broth on the right day will help prevent it from spoiling.
  7. On vegetable-eating days, don't forget broccoli, it is low in calories and helps to speed up metabolism.
  8. Cut out yogurt on a protein day. The high lactose content promotes water retention.
  9. Use lemon juice or apple cider vinegar diluted with water to mix the salad, this will improve the flavor of the dish and help speed up the metabolism.
  10. If you exercise on the days you drink alcohol, drink soy milk during that time.

Should divide the diet into proper dates

The diet is divided into several days, which are characterized by allowed foods.

Drinking day

Drink plenty of water on days 1, 3 and 6. This not only means water, but also different types of natural juices (best diluted with water to reduce concentration and notcauses stomach irritation), broths, dairy products (low-fat milk, kefir), unsweetened tea.

Alcohol, soda and sugary drinks are prohibited. Remember that water is a priority on such days, it helps to perfectly purify the body from toxins, drink 2 liters (or better, more) on all days of the diet. On drinking days, stress is contraindicated, get more rest so that the body can easily tolerate the diet.

The diet was broken down for several days

Vegetable Day

The second day was completely vegetarian. You can eat any kind of vegetable. It's allowed to boil, stew or roast them, but eating everything raw is sure to be better, so your body will get the most out of the nutrients and vitamins.

It is strictly forbidden to season dishes with mayonnaise or sour cream; Use vegetable oil, lemon juice or vinegar for this purpose. Don't forget cabbage, which is known for its ability to burn fat.

Fruit Day

On this day, you need to eat lots of fresh fruit (but not juices and juices). Excluding bananas and grapes, they have too many calories. You can drink water of any amount.

Protein Date

When the body is able to recover. Fish, seafood, meat, eggs (protein) and fresh cheese are allowed. You can eat any type of beans (beans, lentils, peas).

Be careful, five meals should suffice. And physical activity is too early to continue.

Last day

Switch to nutritious food from diet. It is better to incorporate a diet of foods that have been consumed throughout the entire diet. In this diet, you cannot swap dates and replace the foods listed on the menu.

Sample Menu

Day 1

  • For breakfast, you can drink sugar-free tea or low-fat kefir;
  • for lunch - unsalted chicken broth;
  • are allowed to snack with yogurt;
  • for dinner - a glass of milk.

Day 2

  • You can have breakfast with a few small tomatoes;
  • At lunch you can make a cabbage salad with cucumber and herbs. Use olive oil for dressing. But it's better to season with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar (the calorie content will be less);
  • for a snack - a few fresh cucumbers;
  • Dinner
  • is ​​allowed with cucumber salad with bell peppers;
  • Dinner should be light - preferably with a salad like at lunch (lemon juice, vinegar).

Day 3

  • for breakfast - herbal tea, a glass of milk;
  • for snacks - low-fat milk (1 cup);
  • you can have a meal with a meat broth;
  • for an afternoon snack - a glass of kefir with 0% fat;
  • for dinner - decoction from herbs.

Day 4

  • You can have a pear and herbal tea for breakfast;
  • half a grapefruit suitable for snacks;
  • for lunch - a fruit salad consisting of green apples, kiwis and oranges;
  • You can have a snack with an orange;
  • for dinner - milk or kefir (no more than one glass).

Day 5

  • allows breakfast with a few hard-boiled eggs;
  • for today's snack, you can eat boiled low-fat fish (no more than 200 gr. );
  • for lunch - boiled chicken breast;
  • for afternoon snacks - small cheese (150 gr. );
  • At dinner you can eat some hard cheese.

Day 6

  • It is better to have breakfast with tea or kefir;
  • for snacks - a glass of freshly squeezed juice diluted with water;
  • Favorite diet helps to lose weight
  • for lunch - broth (no salt);
  • a glass of kefir suitable for an afternoon snack;
  • for dinner - heated skim milk (1 cup).

Day 7

  • You can have breakfast with some boiled eggs and unsweetened tea;
  • snack with green apple;
  • for lunch - any vegetable soup (250 ml);
  • A great orange for an afternoon snack;
  • You can have dinner with a vegetable salad made from radish and carrot.

Correctly "exits" from the diet

To maintain a new weight and not harm your health, you need to carefully monitor your diet after completing the diet, do not rush back to dieting old products. For a few days, eat only healthy, nutritious food (fortunately, there are plenty of such recipes).

Do not eat fast food, fatty foods, cakes, sweets. During the diet, you taught your body what to do without them.

Water still needs to be consumed in large quantities, well if it becomes a habit.

Reviews of people who have tried this diet. It's worth it?

Overall, the overall foundation of the reviews is positive. Favorite Diet is recommended by most people who have experienced it. With her help, many women have managed to get back in shape after giving birth, ask a support person to switch to a healthy diet or lose weight quickly before an important event.

Yes, there are negative reviews, but everything is individual. Many people write that the weight loss quickly returns, however, they fail to adhere to the proper nutritional principles after completing the diet.